更多 LibreOffice Conference 2016 的影片上線了
以下是最新一批基金會上傳的在捷克布爾諾的 LibreOffice Conference 影片。享受簡報吧 ─ 應該每個人都會有所收穫! Advocating LibreOffice – talking to the press Competitive marketing strategies for LibreOffice Answering Non Technical Questions The difficulties of creating a community LibreOffice with a female touch Where are women in LibreOffice? How to increase participation to make the project more inclusive Calc Tiled Rendering in LibreOffice Online Calc Beyond Cells Improved digital signature handling in LibreOffice Unifying LibreOffice Low Level Text Layout Collaborative editing using LibreOfficeKit What could be done by volunteers to make LibreOffice more accessible? UI Hacking explained, episode 2: Revenge of sfx2 dispatch API How users operate LibreOffice Draw UX of the Area Fill style dialog MS Office interoperability and automated bisection of regressions 還有更多的影片等候上傳,所以靜待部落格更新吧! 新聞來源: More LibreO...