上手資源 #16:兩篇關於 LibreOffice 的學術研究
瑞典 Skövde 大學的 Jonas Gamalielsson 與 Björn Lundell 對 LibreOffice 專案有非常廣泛的研究。他們分別在2012年與2014年發表了兩篇不同的論文,這兩篇論文非常的有趣,大家有興趣的話可以前往閱讀。
Gamalielsson J. – Lundell B., Long-Term Sustainability of Open Source Software Communities beyond a Fork: A Case Study of LibreOffice, in: Hammouda I. – Lundell B. – Mikkonen T. – Scacchi W., (EDS) Open Source Systems: Long-Term Sustainability. OSS 2012. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 378, Pages 29-47, 2012, Springer, Berlin – Heidelberg
Gamalielsson J., Lundell B., Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved?, in: Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 89, Pages 128-145, 2014, Elsevier, Amsterdam
新聞來源:Advent Resource #16: Two Academic Research about LibreOffice
Gamalielsson J. – Lundell B., Long-Term Sustainability of Open Source Software Communities beyond a Fork: A Case Study of LibreOffice, in: Hammouda I. – Lundell B. – Mikkonen T. – Scacchi W., (EDS) Open Source Systems: Long-Term Sustainability. OSS 2012. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 378, Pages 29-47, 2012, Springer, Berlin – Heidelberg
Gamalielsson J., Lundell B., Sustainability of Open Source software communities beyond a fork: How and why has the LibreOffice project evolved?, in: Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 89, Pages 128-145, 2014, Elsevier, Amsterdam
新聞來源:Advent Resource #16: Two Academic Research about LibreOffice